"A Shining City Upon a Hill" will look for the answers to one question--Are we, as a nation forever young, holding to our faith in the ideals that made us great? Democracy, freedom, free markets, the marketplace of ideas, American ingenuity--some people seem to have forgotten these values. Unfortunately, many of them hold office or occupy positions of power in the media. They would do well to remember Ronald Reagan's Four Pillars of Freedom:
National Pride
Global Democracy
Individual Liberty
Economic Opportunity
These remain the ideals that can guide us to a better tomorrow for our country and the world. What are we doing to strengthen and expand each of these? Take national pride, for example. We have so much to be proud of, as Americans, but it seems our current leaders have chosen to neglect this area in favor of partisan rancor. Lincoln said, "Politicians think about the next election. Statesmen think about the next generation." It seems we have only politicians these days.
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